Sunday, February 5, 2012

big youtubers are cheating the system.

People want to make their own online content easier to find for their customers, even easier to find than the content of your competitors. People have been trying to make content look better for search engines from the moment these things existed. This practice is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO in short). There's nothing wrong with SEO, as long as it's beneficial to your users. The 'good' SEO practices are usually called 'white hat SEO', whereas practices that try to cheat the system, trying to look different to search engines then to users, or writing content that would look better for a search engine, but is harder to read for users, are called 'black hat SEO'.

The search box on youtube is a search engine too, and so pople that make youtube videos, especially the people who make a living off of them, will try to make their videos as easy to find as possible, striving to make the most viral video. There seems to be a trend in well-known youtubers, putting tags in their description. The description is a place where some informative text should go, not some ugly keywords.

I'm not specifically targeting the youtubers that I'm using as an example here, the fact that I'm subscribed to them shows that I like their videos, I'm only protesting against the practice of keyword-spamming the video description.

examples: (click the image to go to the youtube video

and even the vlogbrothers in their scishow, which is strange, concidering that they don't spam the description in their main channel videos.

Ass a fan of the vlogbrothers, and therefore a proud nerdfighter, I value the pleasure of reading quality video descriptions, containing information that is actually useful to humans, not just getting you higher in the search results.

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